Sunday, November 07, 2004

Republicans to push Hate Legislation

According to Karl Rove on Fox News, the Bush administration will pursue an amendment to the Constitution to keep gay men and women from obtaining equal rights in the United States. They accuse those who believe in equal rights of being "activist judges" and somehow the people who want this divisive change to our country are becoming known as "values voters."

The party of Watergate, Iran-Contragate, fiscal irresponsibility, and sending soldiers to their death and dismemberment for no reason should not be associated with American Values. Especially as they try to push us back to the pre-historic age by legislating discrimination.

They are trying to frame this as if it is the people's will -- because of the slim majority that Bush stole the election with, they are moving forward with divisive policies. Have they forgotten about the will of 56 million people?

Meanwhile, they are using it to bury the fact that they are still fucking up in Iraq and in the economy.


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